Back to School Vibes, 2023 Burnout


This Summer to me seemed like a bait and switch at certain points. Don’t get me wrong, there were some amazing things that happened. The biggest excitement is that I’m engaged. Not only engaged but proposed to in the most adorable way, in London at the pug cafe! (Be sure to go to the new “Adventures” page for more trip photos!

I can’t recommend London enough and a little birdie has told me they’ll be hopefully expending to this side of the pond soon. Now to put all of my Mama Rose tendencies into our pug, Margot.

But while it was a magical trip filled with theatre and gorgeous surroundings, it felt like all of the grand plans I had for this summer: to record a year’s worth of podcasts, to totally revamp the website, to try and get back to singing for myself, were all side lined. And I feel like I’m not alone in thinking that. I feel like everyone I talk to is repeating those sentiments. I guess the burnout from the pandemic and trying to get back to “normal” and the hells cape we live in has made feeling good harder than finding a parking space in NYC.

In This Moment I Am Well

At the beginning of the pandemic when we were on heavy lockdown I did this “masterclass” with Oprah. Which was ridiculous, it was really just a very busy Zoom with me and thousands of menopausal women. But she mentioned something she would say to herself a lot, “In this moment I am well” and it really truck me. I have such a tendency to not stay in the present, to harp on things I’ve done wrong in the past, or have rampant uncertainty in the future. But I think in order to get through these current scarries I need to keep thinking about that mantra. “In This Moment I Am Well.” So I’ve published the website, knowing that it is what I can do in this current moment. It shows who I am, it has room to grow. And I hope you’ll get back in the car for the continuation of what this “brand” is and what lies in store for it. Happy September!

I would describe my style and attitude as…

A cross between Iris Apfel, Miriam Margoles, Lucille Ball. But I am a devoted maximalist through and through. Although, as another inspiration once said

Style—all who have it share one thing: originality.

Diana Vreeland