Scarfs Through The Decades


I have so many scarfs. I have scarfs from my grandmother, from my great aunt, and from a number of others’ aunts as well. I’ve gotten good at doing one particular turban making technique but frankly I have been woefully undereducated on others for far too long.

Enter The Scarf Challenge recently posted by The Vintage Woman Magazine. Each day for a week a new tutorial was posted representing a new decade.

I definitely loved “The Chain” the most. “The Louise” made me miss my bangs and bob (I WILL NOT TRY TO CUT MY HAIR IN QUARANTINE) I didn’t expect to like “The Braid” as much as I did but it looked super cute.

All in all it was a highly successful Saturday pretending that I had somewhere to get all gussied up for. Now when life starts up again and my hair looks a fright I’ll have so many exciting options to cover it up!

All the tutorials can be found on The Vintage Woman Magazine’s Instagram. The illustrations are killer!

I would describe my style and attitude as…

A cross between Iris Apfel, Miriam Margoles, Lucille Ball. But I am a devoted maximalist through and through. Although, as another inspiration once said

Style—all who have it share one thing: originality.

Diana Vreeland